Reply To: Open Meetings – Solo and others.

Forums Racing Open Meetings – Solo and others. Reply To: Open Meetings – Solo and others.

Chris Nokes

    Repeating Adam’s earlier message so that it gets seen more widely (sorry to those for whom this is a repeat!):

    Hi all

    Just a heads up on the open meetings this year.

    First – hooray to the Enterprise Association who actually have ours on their calendar – Saturday 21st May.
    The Comets have no 2022 calendar up yet – we’ve asked for Saturday 10th Sept.
    ….and the Solos. Pete P and myself found them hard to get answers out of last year. It is currently on our calendar on our website for Saturday 2nd April. However – THIS WILL HOPEFULLY CHANGE. – 2nd April clashes with Burghfield. Dave M has asked for 30th April but we’ve not had a peep back off them and it’s not on their website calendar.

    Now – format:
    Previously we have run 4 races: 2+2 with a lunch break. It is proposed (Covid and lanching/recovery hassles over lunch) not to have a lunchbreak but go for either 3 or 4 back-back. We would offer bacon butties (to buy) before and include afternoon tea aftewards,
    – 3 races back-back might end up with a very short open meeting. 4 back-back might be too much for some of our fleet. Or stay as it was ?
    Ideally we all decide (via. Dave and Myself) so I can get NOR written sometime end of Feb and posted.

    Enterprise and Comet fleets. Start having a think about the format you’d like for your opens.